“Plastica” is a story of ghosts. It follows the transformation of complex objects, that are born in the imaginary world: they become virtual projects through a 3D program and finally gain their own matter thanks to a 3D printer. The lights and the sets built in the studio (temporary installations that stop living fisically at the end of the photographic act), allow another transformation of those complex objects, that become the actors of a story whereof photography is the only witness.
“Plastica” is a trick: if what’s unreal, or virtual, cannot be represented, it must be rebuilt, to go back again in a virtual dimension through the photographic object.
This work is the result of the acceptance of the limits of photography in the representation of the Unreal. It keeps an eye on the attempts made by new technologies, in order to create virtual realities that are our reality’s doubles, but in which the impossible can be possible.
Using the issue of the relationship between photography and reality, “Plastica” wants to make possible the representation of worlds that couldn’t be represented, and to make those worlds “objects of belief”.